Guidebooks and Toolkits
Cost-effective job search guidebooks and tools for job seekers charting their own path to land the job offer

AdvantEdge Job Search Guidebook
Step-by-step instructions that guide you logically through the AdvantEdge Job Search Process™.​
Four phases and twelve steps across 16 chapters lead you systematically from the start of your job search to your first day in the new position.
A self-paced resource filled with search strategies, techniques, and tips to help you land the job offer.
Available on Amazon (Kindle & Paperback) and from AdvantEdge Direct (PDF) from $9.99.

AdvantEdge Job Search Toolkit
Cloud-based repository with lifetime access to 25+ tools, templates, and resources to help accelerate your job search.​
Supports the complete range (all 4 phases and 12 steps) of the AdvantEdge Job Search Process™.
Access on Box (MS Office and PDF file formats) or Google Drive (Google and PDF file formats).
Available to purchase for $24.99.